Geh nicht in den Wald, im Wald ist der Wald

Compagnie Tabea Martin

film: Heta Multanen

photography: Helen Ree


‘Geh nicht in den Wald, im Wald ist der Wald" explores the topic of exclusion. It addresses the power of prejudices and the fears triggered by unfamiliar or new things. When do we consider something as exclusion? How can it be fought? What mechanisms promote it? Why and how do we exclude others, and how can this be portrayed through the movement of dancers? How can we move both within and outside the norm? How do we move when feeling trapped or forced to do something?’ - Tabea Martin

Music: Donath Weyeneth

Costumes: Yasmin Attar

Stage: Veronika Mutalova

Dramaturgy: Moos van den Broek

Light: Patrik Rimann

Nothing Left premiered at Kaserne, Basel in 2022 and has toured Europe since.

The enthusiasm shown by the five artists is contagious and life-saving… This “physical circus theater” more than “choreographed dance” hits the mark and touches.
— Geneviève Charras

Nothing Left